Neither Republican, Democrat, nor Libertarian - hate all the rat politicians.Mid 50's male. Fought, marched, and was beat up defending equality, and protesting racism. Wanted to help "change the world" but failed. Still believe in the dream of a strong, vital, moral America. The one our Fathers, Uncles, Brothers, Cousins, Grandfathers, died for - that our Mothers, Sisters, Aunts, Grandmothers could look in the eye and be proud that they fought ............ FOR US ! IF YOU WANT TO BE NOTIFIED WITH NEW POSTS - CONTACT ME PIPESTR@COLUMBUS.RR.COM

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Anthem Brave New World Atlas Shrugged Gone With the Wind
Chronological Bible NAS Bible Screwtape Letters 1984
The DaVinci Code Angels and Demons Black Like Me A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


Monday, June 8, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor - Applauding failure?

Very interesting situation, with Sonia Sotomayor.

Grew up poor in NYC, received scholarships, and graduated Summa Cum Laude from Princeton. Three years later, receiving a JD from Yale.

That is impressive, both the graduating, the grades, and the time table. There is no doubt, that her story is the American Dream, and very inspiring.

Went into the public sector, working for the District Attorney in New York. Then 8 years in private practice (1984 to 1992).

While in college, married and divorced her high school sweetheart (1976 – 1983). Nothing noteworthy in particular about that.

Next in about a week or so: hmmm - I am not sure yet

Returned to the public sector in 1992, and remained there to the present. Not a high paying role, but a noble one.

That is a VERY impressive record of advancement. Yet, a few questions are screaming to be answered.

There have been numerous instances where she referred to her intellectual superiority (Latino female as opposed to a white male - her words).

This certainly smacks of both sexism, and racism. Many have said she ‘misspoke’- a poor choice of words. Yet, it is not the words that are bothersome. It is the THOUGHT behind the words that seems noteworthy. She can easily apologize for saying it, but that does not erase the beliefs that led her to the comments.

Much ado has been made that she has $400,000. in debt.

This is a non-issue. The amount of debt, considering her assets is quite low (total assets reported $1,600,000, vis-à-vis net worth of $1,200,000). How did she do that?

Her family was poor, her husbands’ family was poor, and they were married while both were attending collage, so no inheritance, or fat divorce settlement. She isn’t reported as winning a lottery. Her maximum income in the public sector is $200,000 a year.

Yet she lives in Greenwich Village, and is a millionaire. Did she manage to support herself AND save a million dollars in eight years? I doubt it.

3. She has stated that a judge makes policy from the bench.

Wow. HUGE misunderstanding – Making ‘Policy’ is the job of the Legislature, not the Judicial system.

But, we are asked to forget all that, and look at her record. OK. Lets do that.

As I said, it is an impressive resume. But her record is more than the where, and when.

It is reported that she was overturned 60% of the time. That means she was RIGHT (about her rulings being within the Constitution) only 40% of the time.
If a baseball player batted .400 it would be impressive. But as a JUDGE, who makes decisions as they apply to the law ………. That ‘record’ stinks.

A 4 year old with a quarter, could flip a coin, and be right 50% of the time. She is right 40% of the time.

Obviously, she has factors that effect her judgment, that bring her to a success rate that is even below mere random chance.

So her record is. Great grades, but horrible results, questionable (if not actionable) comments on her belief in her role as a judge, and her racism, and sexism.
Her life story is impressive. But to suggest her as a candidate, for the Supreme Court, is promoting failure.

Next: Taking a break for a bit back in a week

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