Neither Republican, Democrat, nor Libertarian - hate all the rat politicians.Mid 50's male. Fought, marched, and was beat up defending equality, and protesting racism. Wanted to help "change the world" but failed. Still believe in the dream of a strong, vital, moral America. The one our Fathers, Uncles, Brothers, Cousins, Grandfathers, died for - that our Mothers, Sisters, Aunts, Grandmothers could look in the eye and be proud that they fought ............ FOR US ! IF YOU WANT TO BE NOTIFIED WITH NEW POSTS - CONTACT ME PIPESTR@COLUMBUS.RR.COM

Great Books

Anthem Brave New World Atlas Shrugged Gone With the Wind
Chronological Bible NAS Bible Screwtape Letters 1984
The DaVinci Code Angels and Demons Black Like Me A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


Friday, June 12, 2009

The Chrysler Bankruptcy Scam

I really thought Ginsberg had stepped up and was going to do the right thing.

I F***ed up Bunky - I trusted em.

In case you dont know, here is the basics of what happened.

Our admin branch of governemt tried to negotiate a deal, which is of course, NOT their job within Constitutional restraints.

The Bondholders, who by SEC law, and Contract law, are to be FIRST in line to receive money based on the value of assets, were placed LOWEST. They were to get 25% give or take, on their money, while the Union, which is to be LAST according to all the same laws, were getting 60%+, on the dollar IN ADDITION to, a shareholder interest in the new company after Fiat buys it.

They said no to that lousy, illegal deal thinking at LEAST the bankruptcy court, would enforce its OWN laws and they would get a fair shake.

Instead .... the Bankruptcy was moved from THEIR district ,to NYC. Questionable at best.

In SPITE of what may be an illegal change of venue - orchestrated by the Admin, and being apparantly illegal in at least three areas of laws, they got the same deal.

They went to the Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg.

Now, the fact that she granted a stay, to have time to review the facts of the case, indicates that at least 2, if not 5, of the other Judges thought it should be looked into. Even tho she had been TOLD by Admin (who they are supposed to be independant from) to stay out of it.

Yet ....... in LESS then 24 hours ......she took back the 'stay' and let the illegal Bankruptcy go thru.

The list of violations of the Constitution, Amendments, etc that have been violated by Admin just gets longer and longer.

We now have an effective, covert dictatorship in the USA.

Just wait till I get started on the Czars ...............................

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