Neither Republican, Democrat, nor Libertarian - hate all the rat politicians.Mid 50's male. Fought, marched, and was beat up defending equality, and protesting racism. Wanted to help "change the world" but failed. Still believe in the dream of a strong, vital, moral America. The one our Fathers, Uncles, Brothers, Cousins, Grandfathers, died for - that our Mothers, Sisters, Aunts, Grandmothers could look in the eye and be proud that they fought ............ FOR US ! IF YOU WANT TO BE NOTIFIED WITH NEW POSTS - CONTACT ME PIPESTR@COLUMBUS.RR.COM

Great Books

Anthem Brave New World Atlas Shrugged Gone With the Wind
Chronological Bible NAS Bible Screwtape Letters 1984
The DaVinci Code Angels and Demons Black Like Me A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


Monday, June 22, 2009

American Czars- Are you KIDDING ME?????

For over 50 years, we had a cold war ……………..Many you have no clue what that meant. But I remember, and I am only 55.

I remember people building ’bomb shelters’. Barely underground, stocked with maybe a months worth of fruits and vegetables, and a single cot. I remember being told how to protect myself, and practicing the technique of “Duck and Cover”.

Think hard and long about that.

Age 5 to 18, ……………….kids …………. Told that in the event of a nuclear bomb, all we had to do was duck under our wooden desks, put our hands over our heads, and we would be safe………………………….. OUR Government told us that – our parents, teachers and ministers, re-enforced the truth in it, as they were led to believe.

We all believed.

And the word ‘Czar', was the title used for a Russian Leader – the enemy – the ones that would send this bomb.

Yet now today, we have Czars in America, No one seems to know the true count – 14, 16, maybe 20?

OK OK OK - I know that isnt their 'official' title. But as they say, if it walks like a duck etc.

The very idea is insulting, and fearsome. But look at what they are, and how they got there. Like the rulers of Russia, they have power; but from here, and what authority?

They can ‘make rules’, ‘establish ‘edits’, and ‘make policy’. But the President does not HAVE that authority to give them!

Those 'create' laws – which can only be established by Congress!

That places them ABOVE the Cabinet. A Cabinet, that is ‘recommended’ by the President, but is ALSO Investigated (vetted), and APPROVED by Congress!!!!!

Ah – but see – Czars are not covered in the law, or tort, or the constitution …….. so no one, OTHER than the Pres – decides.

In all my years, I have never been so afraid of ANY government ……………. And it is ours that terrifies me!

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