Neither Republican, Democrat, nor Libertarian - hate all the rat politicians.Mid 50's male. Fought, marched, and was beat up defending equality, and protesting racism. Wanted to help "change the world" but failed. Still believe in the dream of a strong, vital, moral America. The one our Fathers, Uncles, Brothers, Cousins, Grandfathers, died for - that our Mothers, Sisters, Aunts, Grandmothers could look in the eye and be proud that they fought ............ FOR US ! IF YOU WANT TO BE NOTIFIED WITH NEW POSTS - CONTACT ME PIPESTR@COLUMBUS.RR.COM

Great Books

Anthem Brave New World Atlas Shrugged Gone With the Wind
Chronological Bible NAS Bible Screwtape Letters 1984
The DaVinci Code Angels and Demons Black Like Me A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


Tuesday, June 30, 2009


OK, so Keynes was an easy topic. You take from the rich (who are few) and give to the poor (which are many), and you are popular for a few years. Of course, as Ayn Rand alluded to in “Atlas Shrugged”, eventually the rich leave the taxing area, and then no one has money. But by then, the ones that started the problem are dead, and someone else has to try to fix it.

Smith is more complex (but it works).

If there is a need, then human greed will create it, so it can be sold for a profit.

If you are making a profit, someone will try to get ‘in on it’ by producing it and selling it cheaper; ergo prices are controlled.

If there is competition, quality will become an issue, so employers will offer slightly higher wages for talented people, Wages are controlled.

As prices and wages are controlled, efficiency increases to enhance profits. Innovation is encouraged.

As innovation increases, efficiency goes up, allowing competition to reduce prices slightly, and increase wages slightly, to increase profits. The “Market” is working.

Now enter Government. They see a need to regulate and tax, which increases costs, thereby increasing prices, resulting in lowering demand, that forces producers to lower prices by reducing costs to get sales. This means no more research for innovation, and reduced wages to produce the product in an affordable manner.

Reduced wages, is a part of a reduced work force. Since these people are now out of work, the government again steps in to ‘help’ them, by giving benefits, with money they don’t have. To get the money, they increase taxes, which increases costs to producers, etc, etc, etc.

Smith had a simple idea.

Economics is a natural evolution of human nature. Leave it alone, and it will work.

Intervene and it will fail.

Next I will mention some of the ‘Interventions’ the government has had in the past. The list is long and bloody.

Monday, June 29, 2009

OK - Keynes isnt quite a moron - just short sighted.

So I was a little harsh when I said Keynes was a moron.

To be fair, Keynes saw a problem and came up with an immediate solution. Unfortunately, it was only that – immediate.

Keynesian theory, which is basically to redistribute wealth thru government taxing and spending, has never once worked in the long run.


Five years, maybe ten, things get alittle better. Sometimes, it is fairly good for 100 years or so. Then either communism takes hold or the whole house of cards falls. Either way, everyone is miserable.

What typically happens, is the government continues to tax more, to fund more social programs, and soon, individual income is non-existent. At this point the economy collapses, and the believers in Keynes say THEY must have strayed from the plan. Maybe (they think) they didn’t spend enough, or tax enough. Perhaps the programs they choose were wrong, or somehow became abused. Maybe there was someone committing fraud.

That is what Congress has been doing the last 70 years or so, and is still doing today, in 2009. Today, we are on the full path of destruction – create money that doesn’t exist and spend it.

It will help things, maybe, for a few years, if we don’t fall apart completely in the meantime.

The worst part is, once this path is chosen (which we have), to correct it we must return to Smiths free market. The pain is deep for 5 to 20 years. After that it gets better, and stays better. As long as no one messes with it.

More on Smith next.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Not saying anyone reading this is a ‘dummy’. Just that I am going to try to keep this simple.

In my opinion, and many students of economics would agree, there have historically been two major economic minds; John Keynes, and Adam Smith.

First Keynes. Easy to explain, and to be honest, I think he was a moron.

There are 10 people in the world, and they all want a car.

One guy makes cars, and owns 10 cars. No one else can afford to buy a car. So a committee is formed, they confiscate 9 of his cars, and give one to everyone. Now all are happy, except one single person, but face it, he can only drive one car at a time anyway. As a bonus, you have a 90% ‘Happiness’ factor in the world. Darned successful results.

Now apply that same logic to everything, including money, TV’s etc.

That is an overly simplified explanation, but pretty accurate.

Smiths’ thought was the opposite, and it is many times referred to as “Invisible Hand”, free market economics.

In a nutshell (though he would hate this comment) the whole thing is based on greed.

Greed is a MAJOR motivator, and is not always a negative thing. Self-preservation IS a slight amount of selfishness. Wanting to be efficient and prudent in planning for the future, is a low degree of greed.

A society cannot exist, if there is an absolute void of selfishness, and greed. We would simply give everything we have to each other, while never consuming ANY of it. Then while it traveled in a circle, we would all starve to death.

If there had not been enough greed and selfishness for example, Henry Ford would have never went into the car business.

He wanted an easier way to travel, and saw a potential to make, and then sell them for a profit. Notice, that is only a potential. He had some money, borrowed some money from family etc, and gambled it all on what everyone said was an insane idea (“Horseless carriage indeed – it will NEVER last!”).

But it did last, he did win the gamble, and make a profit.

Humans being what they are, others saw his success, and jumped on the bandwagon due to their own greed, and he had competition. Each of them, tried to sell as many cars as they could, by selling for less than the others. The publics’ greed, then bought what was believed to be the least expensive (balance of price, efficiency, dependability, and product life).

So Corporate greed gave two things to the public; cheap cars, and a place to work.

Apply that to all the goods and services in the world, and you have it. That is how Capitalism is supposed to work.

The problem we have now, is that public greed, overran the ‘gamblers’ greed, and the corporations are not making profits.

I’ll get into it more later, but simplistically, mob mentality applied Keynesian theory, in a Smith styled economy.

Look at it this way. Ten people in the world, two of them have 10 cars each. One wagers all the cars, in a coin toss. One wins and has all 20 cars. The committee gets formed, and they give 2 cars to everyone. Happiness is at 85%, since one guy went from 10 cars to 2, but hey – he had lost all he had in the coin toss!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


OK, so I have coined the phrase ‘Vfubar’: Very Fuggered Up Beyond All Recognition.

Today, North Korea threatened to bomb us.

Seems I remember hearing uncles, cousins etc, talking about this place – not to mention a TV show you MAY have seen (in it’s 12 years or so of running) that discussed the area.

As I recall, there was not a huge difference in this ‘conflict’ and the one in Vietnam. The one that, course, was my generations’ duty to learn what 'snafu' meant.

You may have heard about them. These conflicts left millions of Americans dead, wounded, disabled, mentally destroyed, or covered in Agent Orange (so they would die slowly and painfully 20 to 30 years later).

You had to have heard about it, right? It was in ALL the papers!

The ‘conflicts’; not able to easily recognize the ‘enemy’, the insanity of fighting by the rules against a society that HAS no rules (except to kill us).

Of course, the leader there is SO different now. In those days, there was a Dictator involved, that was ‘Iron-Fisted’, had absolute zero respect for human life (other than his own), and would go to any lengths to win, by any means.

Oh, wait.

Pretty much the same EXCEPT – this one has nukes. And did I mention – they threatened today to bomb us?

I want you all to look up and listen to a song by the Kingston Trio, called “The Merry Minuet” released back in 1958,

Let me say it again – 1958 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, FIFTY-ONE years ago!

It all still applies: the same conflicts, same countries, same stupid ideas for solutions, same potential destruction.

We just do NOT seem to learn a thing. We always seem to think we are smarter, and know more than previous generations, and former societies, So we are forced to face yet another degenerate, demented, disgusting, despicable, despot who has drifted into ruling a ‘Demonacracy’ (country ruled by a demon).

And THIS one has Nukes.

Holy Moly, read my post about ‘Czars’ where I describe the futility of “Duck and Cover”. Then read the one “Diplomacy Vs Violence” about dealing with this kind of monster.

When in the hell will we learn ("Where have all the Flowers gone?" Look it one up too-Dylan).

War is evil. War is horrific.

But war that ‘dances around the idea of war’ is simply a way to destroy the very fiber, and backbone of our country.

If we MUST fight – then damn it – FIGHT! Get it over with.

This “THEY’ in the world, will not stop unless destroyed.; permanently, completely, and publicly.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Great Ideas, That Stole Our Freedoms

So many times, Civic Leaders, and Government, has incredibly great ideas. But they NEVER stop before it turns into a huge problem for all Americans in the loss of freedom.

Seatbelts. Good Idea – help protect people that WANT more protection.

They said it would NEVER be mandatory to wear them. They said it would NEVER be a ‘cause’ for pulling a person over and writing a ticket. In fact, they said it would be a REDUCTION of fines, if you were wearing it.

Yet, today, you ARE being pulled over for nothing else BUT a seatbelt violation, and added fines are piled on.

Are seatbelts a bad idea? NO – of course not! But, if a person WANTS to take the risk – is it REALLY the Governments business to say no?

Traffic Cameras: first it was ONLY on freeways and ONLY for traffic control.
I remember ‘THEM’ saying “Oh NO – we could NEVER use them to issue tickets – THAT would be unlawful surveillance! BESIDES, we can’t see the cars at all – only motion!” Today, we have cameras all over freeways, city streets and stop light corners. It captures pictures, and mails out tickets.

Should that person have broken the law? No, of course not, but that is NOT the point!

The point is, that every time ‘they’ try to ‘help us save us from ourselves’ they strip more and more liberty away.

I also remember when Roe vs. Wade was the hot topic. Again, they swore – first trimester only, and ONLY when it means a sacrifice of the mothers’ life.

But as we know, Dr. Tiller LEGALLY performed hundreds of THIRD trimester abortions, and even KILLED the baby (yes – BABY) if it tried to live. And for such ‘
Noble causes as “Don’t have time to care for a baby’.

It is all documented, yet no one wants to listen.

They push, and push, to gain more and more control.

Are ya stupid enough to want to throw ‘lawn darts’ at each other? GO FOR IT! And get OUT of the gene pool, so you don’t continue to produce stupid kids.

We have blocked nature from ‘culling the herd’. You should never mess with Mother Nature!

Monday, June 22, 2009

American Czars- Are you KIDDING ME?????

For over 50 years, we had a cold war ……………..Many you have no clue what that meant. But I remember, and I am only 55.

I remember people building ’bomb shelters’. Barely underground, stocked with maybe a months worth of fruits and vegetables, and a single cot. I remember being told how to protect myself, and practicing the technique of “Duck and Cover”.

Think hard and long about that.

Age 5 to 18, ……………….kids …………. Told that in the event of a nuclear bomb, all we had to do was duck under our wooden desks, put our hands over our heads, and we would be safe………………………….. OUR Government told us that – our parents, teachers and ministers, re-enforced the truth in it, as they were led to believe.

We all believed.

And the word ‘Czar', was the title used for a Russian Leader – the enemy – the ones that would send this bomb.

Yet now today, we have Czars in America, No one seems to know the true count – 14, 16, maybe 20?

OK OK OK - I know that isnt their 'official' title. But as they say, if it walks like a duck etc.

The very idea is insulting, and fearsome. But look at what they are, and how they got there. Like the rulers of Russia, they have power; but from here, and what authority?

They can ‘make rules’, ‘establish ‘edits’, and ‘make policy’. But the President does not HAVE that authority to give them!

Those 'create' laws – which can only be established by Congress!

That places them ABOVE the Cabinet. A Cabinet, that is ‘recommended’ by the President, but is ALSO Investigated (vetted), and APPROVED by Congress!!!!!

Ah – but see – Czars are not covered in the law, or tort, or the constitution …….. so no one, OTHER than the Pres – decides.

In all my years, I have never been so afraid of ANY government ……………. And it is ours that terrifies me!

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Chrysler Bankruptcy Scam

I really thought Ginsberg had stepped up and was going to do the right thing.

I F***ed up Bunky - I trusted em.

In case you dont know, here is the basics of what happened.

Our admin branch of governemt tried to negotiate a deal, which is of course, NOT their job within Constitutional restraints.

The Bondholders, who by SEC law, and Contract law, are to be FIRST in line to receive money based on the value of assets, were placed LOWEST. They were to get 25% give or take, on their money, while the Union, which is to be LAST according to all the same laws, were getting 60%+, on the dollar IN ADDITION to, a shareholder interest in the new company after Fiat buys it.

They said no to that lousy, illegal deal thinking at LEAST the bankruptcy court, would enforce its OWN laws and they would get a fair shake.

Instead .... the Bankruptcy was moved from THEIR district ,to NYC. Questionable at best.

In SPITE of what may be an illegal change of venue - orchestrated by the Admin, and being apparantly illegal in at least three areas of laws, they got the same deal.

They went to the Supreme Court Justice Ginsberg.

Now, the fact that she granted a stay, to have time to review the facts of the case, indicates that at least 2, if not 5, of the other Judges thought it should be looked into. Even tho she had been TOLD by Admin (who they are supposed to be independant from) to stay out of it.

Yet ....... in LESS then 24 hours ......she took back the 'stay' and let the illegal Bankruptcy go thru.

The list of violations of the Constitution, Amendments, etc that have been violated by Admin just gets longer and longer.

We now have an effective, covert dictatorship in the USA.

Just wait till I get started on the Czars ...............................

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Three Stooges

Ever see the routine the 3 Stooges did, where they all owed each other 10 bucks, and one of em had a fiver?

reminds me a LOT of the fed, treasury, and administration.............

(heres five and I owe ya five, heres five and I owe ya five, heres five and I owe ya five ..... heres the five I owe you, heres the five I owe you, heres the five I owe you!).

In the end - the same five is back where it started. No one has anything more.

The USA is doing the same thing - passing money between us, and helpng NO one!


If that woman twitched any more when faced with the truth - I would think her ben wa balls had a short in em!

About This Blog

The first several posts were a bit legnthy.

I felt that was needed to give readers an idea of who I am.

There will be more of that type of post. Already thinking about 'My Dad - how I know stuff", "Repsonsibility: it is mine - not theirs" and several others.

But there will also be short - maybe even one liners, commenting on the Country today.

Blunt, at times crude with adult language, but exactly what I think.

Thanks for stopping by.

Diplomacy Versus Violence

After BHO gets done with Kim Jong-il, he plans to pass on his glorious techniques to the entire country.

DONT MISS IT !!!!!!!

Sign up NOW for the training course entitled; "Women - how to negotiate when faced with a rapist; offer him a cousin, a friend or at LEAST someone you don't like much! Maybe a little 'handy will do it!"

Obama - like a girl I knew in high school

Obama SAID he would 'stimulate'.

Looked good, said ALL the right words, got us all excited with a smile and wink - but in the end - has so little experience, is so inept, just sorta looked, fumbled and spit at what needed stimulated - couldnt get the job done.

All said and done - we shoulda just stayed home and masturbated, instead of bein forced to spend four years with a tease!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor - Applauding failure?

Very interesting situation, with Sonia Sotomayor.

Grew up poor in NYC, received scholarships, and graduated Summa Cum Laude from Princeton. Three years later, receiving a JD from Yale.

That is impressive, both the graduating, the grades, and the time table. There is no doubt, that her story is the American Dream, and very inspiring.

Went into the public sector, working for the District Attorney in New York. Then 8 years in private practice (1984 to 1992).

While in college, married and divorced her high school sweetheart (1976 – 1983). Nothing noteworthy in particular about that.

Next in about a week or so: hmmm - I am not sure yet

Returned to the public sector in 1992, and remained there to the present. Not a high paying role, but a noble one.

That is a VERY impressive record of advancement. Yet, a few questions are screaming to be answered.

There have been numerous instances where she referred to her intellectual superiority (Latino female as opposed to a white male - her words).

This certainly smacks of both sexism, and racism. Many have said she ‘misspoke’- a poor choice of words. Yet, it is not the words that are bothersome. It is the THOUGHT behind the words that seems noteworthy. She can easily apologize for saying it, but that does not erase the beliefs that led her to the comments.

Much ado has been made that she has $400,000. in debt.

This is a non-issue. The amount of debt, considering her assets is quite low (total assets reported $1,600,000, vis-à-vis net worth of $1,200,000). How did she do that?

Her family was poor, her husbands’ family was poor, and they were married while both were attending collage, so no inheritance, or fat divorce settlement. She isn’t reported as winning a lottery. Her maximum income in the public sector is $200,000 a year.

Yet she lives in Greenwich Village, and is a millionaire. Did she manage to support herself AND save a million dollars in eight years? I doubt it.

3. She has stated that a judge makes policy from the bench.

Wow. HUGE misunderstanding – Making ‘Policy’ is the job of the Legislature, not the Judicial system.

But, we are asked to forget all that, and look at her record. OK. Lets do that.

As I said, it is an impressive resume. But her record is more than the where, and when.

It is reported that she was overturned 60% of the time. That means she was RIGHT (about her rulings being within the Constitution) only 40% of the time.
If a baseball player batted .400 it would be impressive. But as a JUDGE, who makes decisions as they apply to the law ………. That ‘record’ stinks.

A 4 year old with a quarter, could flip a coin, and be right 50% of the time. She is right 40% of the time.

Obviously, she has factors that effect her judgment, that bring her to a success rate that is even below mere random chance.

So her record is. Great grades, but horrible results, questionable (if not actionable) comments on her belief in her role as a judge, and her racism, and sexism.
Her life story is impressive. But to suggest her as a candidate, for the Supreme Court, is promoting failure.

Next: Taking a break for a bit back in a week

Sunday, June 7, 2009

"Oh no - we don't discuss that in OUR house!"

I can’t pinpoint when the change was, but it certainly happened.

Based on my family, as near as I can tell, it was somewhere between the 1920’s and 1940’s. Open to comments on that.

But ………. somewhere along the line, it became ‘taboo’ to discuss politics, and religion. Many said ”It only causes arguments, and I won’t stand for that in MY house!”.

In hindsight, this appears to me a HUGE mistake.

The result is, between 1 and 3 generations of people in this country, that have NO clue about their own religion, OR about the historic events that caused the shaping of this country.

On religion, we have so many misconceptions, that it is crazy. That will be another days discussion.

What is wrong with the Government helping a company with money? What is wrong with passing federal laws that the majority wants? What is wrong with recognizing that there is a class of people that minimize, and take advantage of the ‘little people’? What is wrong with taxing the greedy fat-cat corporate owners, so the employees have a bigger share of the profits? What is wrong with passing mandates that protect people from themselves?

First, we are NOT a democracy – never have been. We are a Democratic-Republic. If you do not know the difference, then read about it, find out about ‘states rights’ and individual freedom’.

In a Democratic-Republic, with a Capitalist economy, Government has NO place in ANY business. The economics of supply and demand solves it all. Supply and Demand ALSO takes care of the ‘fat-cat’ versus ‘little people/employees’ problem. It is not the job of the government to protect us from our own stupidity, period. If you are stupid enough to make toast in the shower, then it is better to get you out of the gene pool so you wont produce stupid kids. It is sad, yes, but nature has a way to cull the unfit. We have sidetracked it, and EVERY time you fight nature, the results are horrible.

Those people that take advantage, the fat-cats ……. THEY are the ones that sign our paychecks. Ruin them and you ruin your job, and the job of everyone that works there. Think they are making SO much selling for a high price, and paying too little? Then start a competing company, pay higher wages, sell for a slightly lower price. Then you will capture the market…… or not. You MAY find out, that there is a HUGE difference between millions in sales, and millions in profits. You may find out that the union demands are bankrupting the company (can you say ….. GM?).

By NOT talking about politics, most people today, can not see that we are taking the same paths as Marx, Mussolini, Lenin, Hitler, and in some ways Mao Tse Tung, Castro, Chavez, and many others. We are heading in a very bad direction.

All because someone decided it was not ‘polite’ to discuss it. So no one learned. We have ‘polited’ ourselves into destruction.

They say negotiate. Good idea, next time you are faced with a robber, a murderer, a rapist – just negotiate with them!

We MUST talk to challenge ourselves, and each other. To examine our own thoughts more closely, AND to teach future generations, or we condemn them to be enslaved by those that know how.

next: Sotomayor - applauding failure

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Housing Crisis

The housing crunch in America has so many aspects to it, over so many years. And there is an extreme amount of ‘finger-pointing’. Fat cat bank execs, greedy Wall Street, morons at Freddie and Fannie, and on and on.

Admission; I was in finance and banking for almost 25 years. Everything from a consumer finance company, doing lending and collections, to only talking to millionaires. I remember when the Community Re-Investment Act (CRA) passed. I lived through a “Bank Run” in a savings and Loan in Ohio.. I saw the end to ‘red-lining’, the passage of Fair Housing act, and increased pressure from regulators.

In all, the blame goes back to Congress, for passing highly noble, yet idiotic, measures.

I will start with redlining, a practice where in certain areas of a community, loans ere not made. This looked like discrimination, since minorities occupied the areas.

In truth, it was statistics. A person that can’t afford to pay 200 a month in rent obviously can not afford 400 a month for a mortgage.

It was outlawed, and with the CRA, it was even demanded that lenders “invest” in those areas, to help re-vitalize them. No one felt more empathy, for those areas, but every person I knew, talked to, or overheard agreed that CRA would become a disaster.

Then came the quotas, and the Fair Housing Act. Again – VERY noble, and honestly in MANY lenders – very NEEDED. There WAS a lot of discrimination at that time in home lending. But as usual, the regulations Congress passed went WAY too far.

So Congressional acts, and pressure, forced all the criteria to be lowered.

I remember being told by a Federal Regulator, that not ONLY was not lending according to their rules a violation of a Reg, with fines etc to the bank, and maybe me personally, it was also a violation of Civil Rights, and possibly would include jail time.

The loans we KNEW would fail were made. The Executives knew only one way to get through it. Keep the money moving around, and make enough loans to dilute the bad ones, till the economy, and inflation rose wages to a point where the people could afford them.

Moving the money was easy. Every banker knew about ‘Check Kiting’. No longer viable since checks clear so quickly, but in past times, a person would open accounts at multiple banks, depositing checks from each one into the account of another. As long as they stayed ahead of the checks clearing (which used to be as much as 3 weeks), a person COULD make it look like they had 5 times the amount they actually had.

That was done with home loans. Package them, sell them to Freddie and Fannie (who were FORCED by Reg to lower their standards), have them bundled, re-sold in the stock market, trade futures based on them, do rate swaps, credit swaps, etc etc, to keep the money moving in a circle.

The economy of course, did not catch up. People that had a home, wanted bigger homes, so they didn’t stay in that house they couldn’t afford before, they moved to a newer, more expensive home they couldn’t afford now.

Then the shoe dropped.

And WHO do we see behind EVERY single problem? Congress. THEY passed the laws, and regulations; they also repealed the regulations that allowed the creation of all the ‘financial derivatives’, to allow the money to be floated. Along with the DE-regulation, every one in the finance world could do everything. Stock Brokers could sell Bank accounts, Banks could sell stocks. All to spread our markets, in an attempt to dilute the problem, that could not be stopped.

Next: Why NOT discuss Politics, and Religion?

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bigotry; The Covert Evil

Bigotry. Insidious, divisive, evil, hateful.

I have seen bigotry in so many forms in my lifetime, projected toward so many different groups.

We all know the generalizations about all the gouprs chosen to be hated in this country. In no particular order it includes; Irish, Germans, Chinese, Blacks, Women, Polish, Italian, Greek, Latinos, ‘City People’, ‘Rural people’, Gays, Atheists, Christians, Muslims, Jews - you name it – they have been maligned.

I marched and carried signs in the early 70’s against discrimination. I was threatened, and assaulted by radical whites for my actions. At the time I had a close friend who was also persecuted by radical blacks ….. because we were friends, and shared a college dorm room.

We, as a country have made incredible headway into reducing, at least, OVERT bigotrous actions.

But somehow in the process, I am seeing something I have never seen before.

We have devolved in the last few decades, into an open maligning and generalizing, derogatory comments by the media itself. I have not seen this in my lifetime, and do not recall hearing of it ever in this country.

Now the white male is a joke. A punchline. All are portrayed in Movies and print, as imbeciles that can’t be relied on. Lying, cheating, Neanderthals, that can't help themselves.

This country was run by white males for 150 years.

But then we listened to women that wanted the right to vote, and the MAJORITY of white males agreed to put it to a vote, and end Women’s Suffrage. The Civil Rights Movement – with great Black leaders like Dr King, and Medgar Evers, White men listened, and then voted to end racial discrimination, and segragation.

MANY of us marched side by side, and fought – and died for Civil Rights. In Mississippi, two young white men and a black man were killed.

Does the white male deserve a medal ? NO!

Do we deserve sweeping comments that lump us all into klansmen? No.

Those that are NOT bigots, deserve the same respect, and dignity that they fought and died to help others have.

We stood up for you. Who will stand up for us?

Next: The US Housing Crisis - View from the inside

The Lost Melting Pot

What was once called “The Great Experiment” by some, and ‘The Melting Pot” by others, has failed, and gone cold.

Let me explain my thoughts.

We have Native Americans. They have been treated horribly.

We also have Irish Americans, Italian Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, Latino Americans and on and on.

I think there is a mindset that fits into this, and it is destructive.

Language, no matter what anyone thinks, DOES affect thought.

Notice it is AMERICAN Indians, yet everything else is 'something' Americans.

The ‘American’ part of it is afterthought ….. secondary.

The original idea was to have many, many people “melt” together into a single society; United by a belief in freedom and justice. And yes, I know in many instances we failed miserably at that – but it was STILL the intention.

Now the intention seems to be to separate us, sub-divide, focus on where our ancestors are from.

In all this decisiveness, we have lost all commonality. All unity. All patriotism.

We are further separated into gender, and sexual preference.

We MUST bond together as Americans FIRST if we are to survive a nation. Celebrate your cu;ture. Teach your children about your heritage. But never forget - we are Americans first.

And as to 'freedom, we can NOT be hypocritical. We need to stop saying “I am fighting for my freedom” while denying others that same freedom!

The Ms California even is a prime example of this. She FIRST said, she is glad she is in a country where everyone can choose for themselves, then went on to state HER opinion. Apparently that was wrong? Why? She GRANTS others freedom to opinion, but then is criticized for having her own?

I do not ‘get it’.
I do not CARE what someone’s sexuality, race, religion, creed, ancestry, or gender is, but “FOR ME” (as Ms California said), I have my own opinion. What happened to the thought “I hate what you say, but will defend to my death your right to say it”?

Next; what “White Males” have done RIGHT to fight discrimination, and bias.

Monday, June 1, 2009

What Happened

I remember the America I grew up in.

Good people stood up, argued, defended and even fought for things that were right. When they saw injustice .................... Racism, thievery, spouse abuse, child abuse ............. they gathered and warned the villains ........... and the villains knew they would follow through, legally, and if needed even illegally. A brother, father, or uncle would never allow a woman or child to be abused.

In todays world, 2009, only convicts carry on the morality of making sure a child abuser is warned.

Today, only being 'caught' is a crime.

Also, it is NOT a crime if the person feels that "everyone does it".
Steal condiments from the local eatery.
Buy clothing to wear once, then return it saying you changed your mind.
Cheat on a spouse because you don't like the way they treated you last night.
Take advantage of someone that is kinder, gentler, or not as strong as you are.

Lying is common, where I remember a 'spit-promise' had meaning.

There were limits to acceptable behavior by men and women alike; certain things are just too despicable to say.

Now, we say anything - hurt those you love, drive salt into the wounds to further your own selfish desire to be superior - even tho you only prove yourself less of a human in winning.

I do not 'get it'.

In the next few hours/days/months. I want to talk about racism, patriotism, honor, duty, shame, guilt, and many other things our country had .................... but seems to have lost.

Next: The great 'experiment' of the 'American Melting Pot' has frozen cold.